Top AI Porn Generators & Sites: Comprehensive Free and Premium List

ChatUp AI Hentai Generator


(User Rating 5/5)


Yep, like most of the AI porn sites out there, ChatUp AI knows their audience, who think they have more of a chance getting with anime girls than they do realistic ones. They probably can’t get hard if they see a real girl. Anyway, there are several different styles here for you to generate your own AI porn hentai images.


ChatUp AI Hentai

ChatUp Ai Hentai Generator has a non-immediate overlay, you should use your mobile on this site instead of the desktop. There are two styles: anime and hentai. The anime one looks more artistic and detailed, while hentai is better used for lolis or cute images. When you create a membership, you receive 20 free credits which translate to 10 images, so use them wisely.


Create Custom AI Hentai Porn

On to the good stuff: you can generate up to four simultaneous images, select the aspect ratio from 1:1, 9:6 and 6:9, so it’s going to look good regardless of the device you use. The site has a section for prompts. That traditionally means there’s a higher chance that something will go wrong or the AI will ignore the things you want. At ChatUp AI Hentai that’s not the case, and it allows you to create very specific images that tick all the boxes of your fantasies.


AI tools like this one place more importance on the first prompts, so place whatever is non-negotiable at the start. You’ll avoid disappointment. I didn’t run into many errors with the images and firmly believe that AI porn image generators work best when you use them to create hentai. There’s an AI button for inspiration which types the prompt for you. All you need to do is make sure no one is staring at your screen while you generate countless hot hentai chicks.


Features of The Hentai Generator

  • 2 different styles
  • Prompt-based generator
  • Inspiration section to auto-fill your prompt
  • Costs 2 credits per image


Premium Membership

Members can create 10+ NSFW AI bots, have unlimited chats with unlimited characters, speed up the image generators with multi generation, access to 200+ AI tools, no ads, full features and daily credits (used for other types of images and face swaps).


Standard: $18.99 for a non-recurring monthly subscription for NSFW images and 1500 in-chat photo generations

Premium: $69 for a non-recurring yearly subscription including 10,000 chat photos and unfiltered images

Deluxe: $129.99 for a non-recurring yearly subscription including unlimited and unfiltered image generations

Ultimate: $289.99 for a non-recurring yearly subscription for NSFW images and unlimited in-chat photo generations


Pros & Cons

✔️ There are rarely any errors and the images look fantastic
✔️ The hentai style never disappoints and leads to consistent pictures
✔️ Completely customizable and you can make free images
➖ The site design with the generator pop-up works best on mobile
➖ Despite the 10 free goes, there’s no free feature

